About Multichannel Magic

The Multichannel Magic blog helps people integrate channels, manage information, and grow profitably. It provides tips, techniques, and inspiration for thriving in a multichannel world.

I’m Debra Ellis and I want to inspire you to look at your business differently. When you do, you will find many ways to improve and prosper. So grab a cup of coffee (or whatever gets your brain cells jumping) and dig in. If you want more detailed information on multichannel marketing check out our eTips newsletter..

About Debra Ellis:

Debra Ellis is a business coach and management consultant for multichannel companies seeking growth and profitability. She began her career helping catalog operations maximize effectiveness and efficiency.

Wait a minute! Something is not right here. The words are true, but it seems odd to write them on a blog. Why do the “about” page for most bloggers who share their innermost thoughts sound as if they were written by their corporate public relations department? Somehow, it seems conflicting. Since I am writing this, I think I will write it my way.

I love consulting. It allows you to work with wonderful people to build better businesses. The best part is the ability to shift from teacher to student and back again. Throughout my career, I have been blessed with an abundance of wonderful teachers. It would be pure negligence if I didn’t mention a couple of them here.

Stanley Fenvessy introduced me to the catalog industry. His passion for quality service and professionalism was contagious. Most of the principles he followed years ago remain valuable today.

After I had worked several years as a consultant, Helen Ballard Weeks offered me the chance to practice what I preached as the Chief Operating Officer of Ballard Designs, Inc. The first thing I learned was that I was a better manager before I became one. It is easy to see what needs to be done when you are on the outside looking in. It is a very different situation when you factor in the human element. The lessons I learned during our phenomenal growth are used every day.

Increasing my knowledge is my passion. Passing it on is my pleasure. This blog is one source. The Multichannel Magic eTips newsletter is another. If you have questions or comments, please post them or email me directly at dellis@wilsonellisconsulting.com.

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