Customer Reactivation – Do You Know Which Customers are MIA or RIP?

Somewhere, deep in your house file, are customers that are missing in action (MIA). Service and quality issues have alienated some. Others have simply gone quietly into the night. They left without complaint or fanfare. Emails are unanswered and catalogs are ignored.

Maybe they have completed the lifecycle for your merchandise, never to order again. If so, they are gone. Let them rest in peace (RIP).

Or, maybe they are just taking a break from shopping. If this is the case, without an active plan to stop them, they will evolve from MIA to RIP (resting in peace). Since it costs four times as much to acquire a customer than it does to reactivate one, now would be a good time to start a reactivation program.

To stop the evolution, you must know which customers are missing and rescue them from oblivion. After all, your products make their life better. You will be doing them a favor if you invite them back.

(If you think I am being sarcastic, I’m not. Things happen that move customers from buying to idling. For example, I love Camille Beckman’s French Vanilla lotion. I purchased it regularly from an online distributor. When my computer crashed and burned, I lost the link and couldn’t remember the company’s name. One email would have reactivated me. You have customers with similar challenges. Help them. It will help you.)

Invest some time next week in your inactive customer file. Find economical ways to invite them back. If you had operational issues that contributed to their inactivity, start with an apology, continue with a promise, and finish with a thank you. Good manners and humility go a long way in improving relationships.

And, let me know what you find. I’m expecting better customer relations and more sales.

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