Friday Favorites – Email Triggers, Eating Crow, and Dressing Like Pirates

Multichannel Magic Friday Favorites

The information that free flows to my computer and smartphone is filled with so many nuggets that it is often hard to choose favorites. A long time ago, the Friday Favorites series was one of my…you guessed it…FAVORITE…topics. I kept a running list of content that I liked and wanted to share. Somewhere along the line sorting through the information became a chore. There were so many good things that deciding what to feature took too much time and energy.

Today, the reinvented Friday Favorites are back with a slight twist. There are no rules. The tidbits shared may be professional, whimsical, or just a tad interesting. Please enjoy and share your thoughts in the comments.

Tips for Creating Trigger Messages based on Browsing Behavior

Bronto serves up seven tips that will help keep your marketing triggers from crossing the line from service to creepy. There is a fine line between “here is something you may be interested in” and “we watched you linger over this item and think that you want it.” Discretion is the better part of valor.

Will JC Penney’s Crow Eating Ads Save the Company?

JC Penney’s makeover team envisioned the company rising from the ashes like a Phoenix. They missed the mark a bit. There were ashes…the ones created when a marketing plan crashes and burns. If listening to the customers and implementing the changes required is part of the plan, there may be a comeback. Time will tell. There is one thing that is almost guaranteed: It will take the company longer to win customers back than it took to lose them. Trust is hard to earn and easily lost.

Should We Dress Like Zombies for the Funeral?

No self-respecting person would dress like a zombie to go to a funeral. It would simply be too disrepectful. There is a dress code to consider. But, when it comes to pirates, codes are more like, well, guidelines. The Parkham’s Women’s Institute invited a former hostage of Somali pirates to speak at their meeting. The members were told that he would be speaking about piracy. Not knowing that he was speaking as a victim, they decided that dressing up as pirates would be fun. Fortunately, the speaker brought his sense of humor with him. It didn’t stop the ladies from being mortified but a good time was had by all. This story is a perfect example of how attitude makes the difference between positive and negative experiences.

Have a great weekend!



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  • Debra Ellis

    Thank you Jane

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