Choosing a direct marketing strategy used to be relatively simple. If you had a little experience, duplicating your successful campaigns usually worked. If you didn’t, there were plenty of books that provided examples to follow.
Things are a little different with social media. First, it is so new and evolving, there are no books. Even if there were, they would be obsolete before the print run was complete. You have to find your own way.
There are a few guides available, but exercise caution. Some will advise you that direct marketing is obsolete. While it is “old school”, it is still an effective form of communicating your message to your customers and prospects.
The best marketing strategy for your company is the one that blends social media and direct marketing into an irresistible cocktail for your customers.
Like any good recipe, start with the best ingredients, and season to your taste.
What works wonderfully for one company will fail for yours. And, vice versa. This makes creating a winning strategy a little more challenging. It also makes it harder to duplicate. (Can you say, “Competitive advantage”?)
So jump into to the social media pool, even if it is one toe at a time. You’ll be glad you did.