Friday Favorites: Illusions and Useful Resource Edition

Multichannel Magic Friday Favorites

Creating the Illusion of Progress

Have you ever had the feeling that you are not accomplishing anything even though you are working harder than ever? Neverending projects, like website or social platform optimization, can wear you down so much that progess slows down. This post from Fast Company tells you how to trick your mind into powering progress. Now that’s a brain game that helps!

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Everything You Need to Optimize Social Platform Cover Art

What’s the best size for your Twitter avatar? YouTube cover art? Facebook profile photo? These questions can be answered with multiple web searches or you could save the infographic in this post. It is a great resource.

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Google Takes the Government to Task in a Brilliant Marketing Move

You would have to have been living under a rock to not know about the NSA monitoring online and cell phone activity. Google published a letter to US government that requests permission to include the requests in the company’s transparency report. This is a brilliant marketing (some might say CYA instead) move because it gives the illusion that Google protects its users’ privacy.

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31 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Marketing

How to Get More Customers, Sales, and Profits without Spending a Fortune

The guide is filled with actionable tips that increase sales, improve retention, and reduce costs. We are so confident they work we offer a 365 day money back guarantee.

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