When I wrote “10 Signs Your Company is in Trouble” a few years ago, I had no idea that it would be so popular. It consistently places in the top 5 of the most viewed articles on our site. Over the last few months, it has moved to first place and seems to be stuck there.
Our world is evolving quickly, so it is time to update the article. Analytics are changing. Management techniques that have been successful for years are not as effective as they used to be.
Chris Anderson’s book “The Long Tail” discusses the evolution of inventory movement using data from Netflix, iTunes, and others. Our clients are seeing similar shifts in their business.
They are also seeing a shift in customer performance. Traditional segmentation by recency, frequency, and monetary value doesn’t perform as well as it used to. Add channel to the mix and it helps, but it doesn’t provide the bump needed to move to the next level.
Companies have to change the way they measure, market, and manage before they become extinct. With this in mind, I have revised and expanded the 10 Signs. The new version, “10 Hidden Signs Your Company is Sinking” is available through our eTips newsletter. Each sign include tips for finding the signs and correcting the problems. If you would like to subscribe, click here. Get your copy before your competion gets theirs
Have a great weekend!