A post on Hubspot Blog explained “Why Direct Mail Can’t Help Your Business Grow” and recommends that you stop mailing your promotional pieces. When I first read it, I thought about commenting. There were so many points that needed correcting.
I thought about explaining how good direct marketers can predict response rates within fifteen percent of the results to dispute the claim that direct marketing can’t be measured. Great direct marketers can get within five percent on a regular basis, but we’ll just stay with the good because there is no need to show off. The kumbaya folks wouldn’t get it anyway.
Quantitative analysis of response rates, sales, average order, inquiries, conversion rates, acquisition, retention, lifetime value, lifespan, and attrition requires more than an opinionated blog post or 140 characters. It requires analytical skills that that takes intensive study and due diligence to acquire. You can’t spend a few hours learning how to use a free tool to become an expert.
Because, you see, direct marketing uses those skills to plan, test, analyze, and improve. And when you are done with one campaign, you review it, analyze the results, and do it again better than before. Good direct marketers will tell you that they are always working to improve their ability to connect with their customers.
The primary reason that I decided to not comment on the post is that fighting the “Direct Marketing and Email Marketing is Dead” crowd is like trying to empty the ocean with a bucket. You could do it, but what would it gain?
So, I’m taking a different approach. If you are naïve enough to believe them, follow their lead. It’ll reduce the mail and email that my clients’ customers receive. Less competition means more sales. Thank you.