Here are a few of my favorite things from this week:
Best assessment of Geek-Think:
From Tom Martin’s “R We LinkedIn?”
“Far too often I feel that technology makers and marketers can get caught up on our own love of the geek. We forget though that society, at least the face-to-face kind lives under certain social norms.”
It’s a good reminder to remember that online behavior is judged by offline standards. In other words, “Play nice, folks.”
New Twitter Tool from Google:
This makes the favorite list because it shows that Google is committed to indexing Twitter (at least for today. Tomorrow it may change.) The indexing gives marketers an opportunity to increase their natural search rankings by tweeting relevant content with good keywords.
There are better tools available at this writing, but who knows? Google might decide to become the Twitter follow finder leader. Stranger things have happened.
Editorial Calendar Excuses Be Gone!
WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugin
DING, DING, DING! We have a winner! This is my favorite new tool for my blog. It may hold the the spot for months to come.
Everyone who publishes a blog knows how important it is to have an editorial calendar. But, seriously, who has the time? By the time you detail the information you need in a calendar, review it, and update it when needed, you could have written half a dozen posts.
If you’ve been using that excuse to keep from creating an editorial calendar, you should know that it won’t work any more. The WordPress Editorial Calendar allows you to plan your posts, quickly edit them on the fly, and view your activity a month at a time. If you decide to change the day for a post, just grab it and move to the new date. And, if you are technically inclined, you can tweak the default settings. It makes planning and executing easy. Personally, I need all the easy I can find. Don’t you?
Have a blessed weekend. Here’s a friendly reminder to disconnect from the tech and personally connect with the people who really matter.