
Lost opportunities and missing service The dispute between DISH Network and Media General started with a compensation disagreement and escalated to a request for FCC mediation. Until it is resolved, eighteen channels in ten states have gone dark. This leaves DISH customers and Media General viewers in limbo until the two can work out a [...]

Holiday 2013 is shaping up to be a wild and crazy ride for retailers. Planning for it with any expectation of accuracy is virtually impossible because there are too many unknown variables. Everything from the calendar to Congress is aligning against a business as usual holiday season. The twenty-six shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas [...]

Gmail’s change from one inbox to automatically sorting emails into tabs continues to capture media attention and concern marketers. New articles filled with ideas on how to game the interface are appearing daily. Email marketers have resorted to begging subscribers to move incoming emails to the primary tab hoping that will give them priority viewing. [...]

People opt out of email campaigns long before they hit the unsubscribe button. Relationships that began with anticipation for the promised goodies start to wane over time. In some cases, people leave because of natural attrition or limited needs. If your subscribers match your customer profile, this accounts for 10-15% of your unsubscribes. The rest [...]

Mobile devices are forecasted to account for 16% of the total US retail ecommerce sales this holiday season. The research and analysis from eMarketer, Inc. suggests that smartphones and tablets will contribute to sales growth through direct purchases and as a shopping tool that drive consumers to stores or desktops to complete their purchases. The [...]

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