How do you blog? How you answer that question determines whether you should continue reading this post or mosey on along to something better. If your online commentary consists of daily musings for your pleasure, then move on to the next thing. But if you blog as part of a bigger marketing strategy, keep reading.
Effective blogging is hard work. It requires research, analytics, creativity, and inspiration. But, most of all, it requires a dynamic strategy that is flexible and adapts to your community and technological changes. To maximize the return from your efforts, you need to periodically review your plans, progress, and projections.
This is the perfect time to do it. Blog readership is always down during the holidays so it will have a minimal effect on your traffic. A new year is just around the corner. You want to be ready to start it off right. So, take some time to think about where you’ve been, where you want to go, and how you want to get there. Document your plan carefully so you can put it in motion in 2010.
AND, most importantly, enjoy the holiday with friends and family. Now, I’m off to follow my own advice. I’m going to spend time with my family, play in the snow, review 2009, and plan for 2010. It’s an exciting time. Look for new posts when 2010 begins.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family to yours. May you prosper in the years to come and your days be blessed with love, happiness, and joy!