
Successfully building a business requires resources. Companies with limited funds and staffing find generating consistent growth challenging. The ability to market products and services is hampered by lack of resources. Less marketing creates fewer sales, which in turn trigger the knee jerk reaction of deep discount marketing for cash flow. The discounts reduce profitability and [...]

A few short months ago, two warning shots were fired by major email service providers. The first was Gmail’s announcement that incoming emails would automatically be sorted into tabs. The second was Yahoo’s decision to reuse dormant email addresses. There has been a lot of debate about the effect of Gmail’s new interface on email [...]

Seasonal emails tend to be heavily promotional. They are overloaded with product shots, discounts, and deadlines. By the time the big day arrives, email fatigue has set in. Subscribers want to simply enjoy the holiday before moving on to the next. Companies have to make sales to survive. Marketers charged with delivering revenue try to [...]

Is your company ready for the email war this holiday season? The competition in the inbox for consumers’ attention is increasing every day. According to a recent study by Experian, the second quarter of this year saw email volume increases of 22.8% for multichannel retailers, 24.4% for consumer products and services, and a whopping 31.7% [...]

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a single marketing channel that allowed you to reach all of your customers and prospects? Think about how it would affect your marketing efforts. You could invest your time in optimizing every aspect of the channel instead of searching for new ways to connect with the people most likely [...]

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