Integrated Marketing

The battle lines between traditional marketing and social media were drawn in 1999 when The Cluetrain Manifesto was created. The promise of the world without advertisement and outbound marketing appealed to many, myself included. Generating revenue without expensive advertising would be a game changer for my clients. The bandwagon started traveling through marketing circles everywhere. [...]

Very few buzzwords stimulate the strong feelings and controversy associated with growth hacking. Every company needs sustainable growth to be successful. The idea that you can “hack” growth is alluring to some and offensive to others. Growth hacking sounds a lot like “overnight success” to people working diligently to grow their company. They know that [...]

The death blow that leads to catastrophic business failure is rarely the cause. Companies built on solid foundations can withstand challenging economies, external events, and evolving marketplaces. Failure comes when the winds of change hit a shaky foundation. The warning signs appear long before the final closing of the doors. Planning for every possible event [...]

Today’s multichannel marketplace requires marketing campaigns that cross channels and platforms with ease. The messages that attract prospects and engage customers need to be targeted and consistent. Ideally, they move people from observation to active engagement in the buying process. The need for integrated marketing is established. Why is it almost impossible to find examples [...]

Mobile devices are forecasted to account for 16% of the total US retail ecommerce sales this holiday season. The research and analysis from eMarketer, Inc. suggests that smartphones and tablets will contribute to sales growth through direct purchases and as a shopping tool that drive consumers to stores or desktops to complete their purchases. The [...]

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